Use "international monetary fund|international monetary fund" in a sentence

1. Source: International Monetary Fund Database.

2. What is the International Monetary Fund?

3. The International Monetary Fund bailed them out.

4. The International Monetary Fund has published its half - yearly forecast.

5. In May the International Monetary Fund suspended its loans programme.

6. We need to fortify the resources of the International Monetary Fund.

7. Assistant Director, Policy Development and Review Department, International Monetary Fund ( IMF ).

8. Slovakia last year met International Monetary Fund criteria for currency Convertibility

9. There , negotiators agreed to create the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.

10. The money will go to the International Monetary Fund and other lenders.

11. The International Monetary Fund has recently estimated global growth at. 5 percent.

12. Monetary reform initially dawdled along so slowly that the International Monetary Fund has suspended its bail-out funding.

13. It is lying idle in their reserve accounts at the International Monetary Fund.

14. 1,394,534 Foreign Exchange Accounts-International Monetary Fund-Subscriptions-Transfer of Profit 71,030 69,541

15. In September # abon signed a letter of intent with the International Monetary Fund

16. The international mandatary found International Monetary Fund recently called for government spending, tax cuts and international cooperation to support growth.

17. A programme of strict economic austerity agreed with the International Monetary Fund is dead.

18. Their tactical decision was equally clear: to borrow money from the International Monetary Fund.

19. We also welcome the additional financial resources allocated to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

20. Unable to stabilise the economy, the government sought assistance from the International Monetary Fund.

21. 1946: International Monetary Fund established to “promote monetary cooperation, currency stabilization, trade expansion; meet balance- of- payments difficulties.” —The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia.

22. This betrays a total ignorance of the purpose and role of the International Monetary Fund.

23. 1945 – The International Monetary Fund is created with the signing of an agreement by 29 nations.

24. The above figures are also calculated on an International Monetary Fund standard, making them internationally comparable.

25. However, in general I think the principal agency that is responsible for bringing about international stability is the International Monetary Fund.

26. The Georgian economic adjustment and recovery is supported by financial assistance from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

27. Prior to assuming the role of Deputy Governor, Opoku-Afari worked at the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

28. And Cross soon careered out of control, relying for information on the local International Monetary Fund office.

29. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund will meet in Washington, D . C . Saturday and Sunday.

30. The reserves are composed of convertible foreign currencies, gold and International Monetary Fund special drawing rights.sentence dictionary

31. He initially trailed the front-runner, former finance minister and International Monetary Fund managing director Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

32. They have the money already. It is lying idle in their reserve accounts at the International Monetary Fund.


34. Afghanistan and the United States belong to a number of the same international organizations, including the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, and World Bank

35. Zhu Min (Deputy Managing Director International Monetary Fund) said that low aggregate demand called for a supply-side approach.

36. Mali underwent economic reform, beginning in 1988 by signing agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

37. Mr Strauss-Kahn , who resigned as head of the International Monetary Fund to defend himself , vigorously denies the charges .

38. Currency Convertibility Author: Janis Wilkins Read related entries on C, CU, Exchange policy, Finance, International finance, International monetary system, Monetary agreement, Monetary economics, Monetary policy, Monetary relations, Money market

39. Cambodia and the United States belong to a number of the same international organizations, including the UN, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and World Trade Organization.

40. Reform efforts spurred by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank helped restore some credibility to Paraguay's banking industry.

41. The external representation of the euro area will imply changes in the current organization of international for a like the G7 and the International Monetary Fund.

42. On Thursday , Christine Lagarde , head of the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) , said that the economic situation was entering a " dangerous place " .

43. The country is poised to begin talks with officials at the International Monetary Fund next week on a $ 3 billion loan.

44. Zuma said the global economic crisis highlighted the need to reform the international financial system and multilateral lending groups like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

45. Such policies are often influenced by international institutions like the International Monetary Fund or World Bank as well as political beliefs and the consequent policies of parties.

46. 23 It was conditional on Budapest agreeing a structural adjustment programme with the International Monetary Fund and implementing market-based economic reforms.

47. Zhu Min (Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund) said that the current situation was the result of a lack of aggregate demand.

48. The Argentine government has Assuaged the International Monetary Fund by naming Mario Blejer as president of the South American country's Central Bank.

49. According to the International Monetary Fund, more than $4 billion in oil receipts have disappeared from Angola's treasury in the last six years

50. They tried to improve the Russia's economy using International Monetary Fund credits, and it elevated the national debt to the level of $22.6 billion.

51. Among other regional and international organizations, Bahrain is a member of the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Gulf Cooperation Council, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Arab League and World Trade Organization.

52. Credentials (Book 3 in the LOST series) is an economics-related suspense novel set at an International Monetary Fund (IMF) meeting in Victoria, British Columbia.

53. On 2 May 2010, the Eurozone countries and the International Monetary Fund agreed to a €110 billion loan for Greece, conditional on the implementation of harsh austerity measures.

54. One of them was the International Relief Fund?

55. July 1 – Greek government-debt crisis: Greece becomes the first advanced economy to miss a payment to the International Monetary Fund in the 71-year history of the IMF.

56. Not only is the current budget deficit at that tiny 8% of GDP, but the International Monetary Fund projects the country's accumulated gross debt at just 22% of 2010 GDP.

57. With Rao's mandate, Dr. Manmohan Singh launched India's globalisation angle of the reforms that implemented the International Monetary Fund (IMF) policies to rescue the almost bankrupt nation from economic collapse.

58. It's a pooled monetary fund the groups use for bribes and other types of support.

59. 11 Actually, international idle fund such as hedge fund has placed great influence towards the international financial system as well as each independent state's.

60. Barings International Umbrella Fund - Barings Hong Kong China Fund Class A USD Inc + Add to watchlist

61. Title of Trust Fund: “Transport International Routier- TIR” Account No

62. Second, Turkey shows that an external anchor, such as membership in the European Union or pressure from the International Monetary Fund, can be decisive in triggering change and, therefore, in enhancing prosperity.

63. • $0.7 million increase for Payments to the International Financial Institution Fund Accounts - Canadian International Development Agency

64. A couple of weeks later, the International Monetary Fund visited us, and asked my minister, "Minister, it's great that you want to help farmers reach food security, but what if it doesn't rain?"

65. It would probably absorb the United Nations Fund for International Partnerships

66. Less than two months ago, the International Monetary Fund offered a remarkably upbeat view that global economic growth would slow down just a smidge to 8% next year from an estimated 2% this year.

67. Advised by Western governments, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, Russia embarked on the largest and fastest privatization that the world had ever seen in order to reform the fully nationalized Soviet economy.

68. No country locks itself into a monetary policy as a result of an international negotiation.

69. Capital adequacy of international institutions should be ensured to fund development needs.

70. According to the International Monetary Fund, the U.S. GDP of $16.8 trillion constitutes 24% of the gross world product at market exchange rates and over 19% of the gross world product at purchasing power parity (PPP).

71. This breakdown in international monetary cooperation led the IMF 's founders to plan an institution charged with overseeing the international monetary system - the system of exchange rates and international payments that enables countries and their citizens to buy goods and services from each other .

72. • A Partnership Development Unit, to absorb the United Nations Fund for International Partnerships

73. Executive session on the United Nations Fund for International Partnerships and development account

74. The Ratsiraka administration accepted the conditions of transparency, anti-corruption measures and free market policies imposed by the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and various bilateral donors in exchange for their bailout of the nation's broken economy.

75. We support the reform and improvement of the international monetary system, with a broad-based international reserve currency system providing stability and certainty.

76. The IMF was set up in 1944 to encourage international cooperation on monetary matters, to stabilise exchange rates and create an international payments system.

77. Cosec, through its International Department, develops cooperation protocols with AEP, ECGC, and the Monetary Authority of Macao

78. East European countries attracted large international capital flows, owing to loose global monetary policy and accommodating business conditions.

79. Issuance Payment of Notes to International Financial Institutions Fund Accounts (Advances/Funds) Department(s) Specific:

80. The film depicts a trial taking place in Bamako, the capital of Mali, amid the daily life that is going on in the city.In the midst of that trial, two sides argue whether the World Bank and International Monetary Fund are